About Us

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This Colclough Group was founded in 2022 by David, Davita, and Shannon Colclough who love their home city of Sumter, South Carolina. The company was developed as a passion project to stay close as a family unit despite their current physical separation. Truly valuing all that Sumter has to offer, they want to provide affordable housing to the constitutes of the area.

the colclough group

David Colclough-CEO/Project Manager

David Colclough went to Sumter Tech and received a Electrical Installation and Maintenance Certificate. He has experience in electrical services and cabinetry. In his spare time he likes to garden and do various wood working projects around his home. Not one to sit still he often volunteers and lends his services to others in the community. He joined The Colclough Group because he wanted to pass his knowledge and skills down to the next generation.

the Colclough group

Davita Colclough- Chief Financial Officer

Davita Colclough graduated from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University with a dual degree in Civil Engineering and Geomatics. She obtained her Masters Degree in Construction Management from Purdue University. She has work experience managing cost and schedule for large construction projects. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, reading, spending time with family and the occasional DIY home project. She joined The Colclough Group as an opportunity to use the skills she obtained over the years as a professional in her own backyard.

the colclough group

Shannon Colclough-Website/Marketing Manger

Shannon Colclough graduated from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University with a degree in Child Development and Family Studies. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Special Education and another Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Rehabilitation. In her spare time, Shannon likes to hike and play with trusted companion Bebe. She joined The Colclough Group because she loves helping to build communities that are inclusive for all people.